понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cheap motel in sydney

Of non-employmentdom. I can tell depression is setting in since when the alarm went off this morning, I was thinking, "Why bother? Thereapos;s nothing out there." So I went back to sleep. Reminds me, once again, of my wonderful time in CA when I was between LD jobs working at kinkos; slept most of the time between going to work because I was so unhappy.

So, here we are again. Another day, another nothing. Iapos;m following up on some leads, but who knows, I donapos;t. So much for positive thinking.

I do like the fact we have a thunderstorm, and itapos;s raining. I cleaned out the fireplace and made a lot of mac cheese with chicken and broccoli. Not as good as Carne Asada but it will have to do.

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